Meet the Team

Daniel Sircar

Daniel is the founder and executive producer of Bottle Rocket Video. His work is informed by his journalistic background working with organizations like National Geographic, The Washington Post, NBC News, PBS Digital, and others. He spent the majority of his career in New York City and now resides in the District of Columbia, with clients in New York, Boston, DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Bottle Rocket Video utilizes a network of contractors across the United States, but the core team is often Daniel, Ali, and Stacey.


  • Ali Cengiz


    Ali Cengiz is an independent cinematographer based in Brooklyn, NY and a long-time creative collaborator. His specialty is documentary interviews and cinematography for feature films, television, and digital projects.

  • Stacey Jewell


    Stacey Jewell is an independent producer based in New York City with a focus on sustainability and climate. She has an extensive on-set production background and blends technological expertise with film-specific project management.